100th Post!!!
It only took me three and a half years!! Good Grief!
I will now list (and in no particular order) most of the reasons I have not posted for the last two months:
*As recently as today, Dan was bitten last Friday by an evil spider (apparently Brown Recluse, but we can't be sure) that left a wicked mark (as in hideous). He went to the doc - on - the - block yesterday where he received a whoppin' big shot of antibiotics along with a prescription for the same at a high dosage. Poor buddy feels like he has the flu. Needless to say, he is going to the real doctor's tomorrow. *please pray that there is no permanent damage*
*Measuring children, knowing that the days are numbered that they will be able to look up to me.
*Tori got braces!!
*Visiting my friend in the country, meeting all of her sweet animals including lamas!
*Eating breakfast with my best friend at The Original Pancake House. Then we went Christmas shopping. Lovely.
*Rode the Dart Rail to Mockingbird Station to enjoy "Ladies' Night Out". Dinner and lots of laughter at Margarita Ranch.
*Attacking clutter in my home and redistributing the wealth to Good Will.
*Began Face Book two months ago. Totally hooked. Maybe that would explain my absence?
*Lots and lots of school projects and such.
*Volunteering weekly at my church, working on stage sets - highlight of my last few weeks!
*Playing dominoes with friends and family until way late and laughing so hard it hurt.
*Standing in line at 4:30AM @ Bass Pro Shop for great deals. Totally worth it when I managed to get the very last ball cap/LED hat lamp/knife combo. I love the feel of conquest and victory.
*Feeding four lovely, rambunctious lambs during Thanksgiving vacation. (Pictured above.)
*Eating at Toby Keith's Bar and Grill and driving by his house. I even saw where his mom lives.
*Volunteering at the kids' school. My specialty is serving hot lunch and sweeping floors.
*We went to a Parenting Conference at the Marriott in October. It had a great view on the fifth floor, enjoyed room service, and learned more about the teenage years. The "What's-His-Name" comedian was not very funny. That is my only complaint.
*Went to a Training Day at our church and totally loved learning more about the Book of James and the Life of Joseph.
*Found out that I am going to be an Aunt a second time. Yeah! Welcome, Sweet Judah!
*Learning how to raise "Free Range Kids". Google it.
*Found out that two of my friends are writing books. One wants to put one of my poems in her book, and the other made me one of her characters and now calls my Sydney!
*Decided to limit the gift giving for our kids to two gifts each. That is really hard to stick to.
*Found that some critter is munching on the last of our cucumbers. I feel okay about encouraging the local wildlife. It is driving our puppy crazy, though. His territory has been invaded.
*We joined the Texins Archery Club. We have spent a lot of time with the kids taking lessons there. We love it, they love it - it is great to have something to do together outside!
*Full filling my Handmade Pledge for Christmas gifts. Need I say more.
*Finally finished and shipped "The Swap Box" to my kind and patient friend. Totally loved receiving her swap box just in time for my birthday.
*Oh, and we got a great deal on a new digital camera. We had fun with consumer reports and shopping around and finding THE best deal.
*Wylie Opry - WoW! Hey, who knew that Loretta Lynn was at Billy Bob's this last weekend?
*We have had a couple of really great extended family birthday celebration get togethers. Love those!
*Making our yearly visit to The National Cowboy Museum. Did you know that John Wayne's nick name was "Duke"? His real first name was Marion, not John.
*I have not kept up with any one's blog, including my own, obviously. I will spend some dedicated time catching up with my favorite blogs over the Christmas vacation. Promise.
*We are so thankful for the growth we have seen in our family, for the good health that we have been blessed with and are happy to finding ways to serve others!
What? You want to see some pictures? Okay, let's see if Blogger is willing to cooperate.
Well, bummer. I only got one picture to load. I'll try again later.
Good night, friends.