Destination: Sanctification

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Location: Heart of Texas, United States

Monday, April 24, 2006

Spring Cleaning

Needless to say, I have had plenty of time to do plenty of things having been without internet for the last two months. One of which was some good spring cleaning around my house. I have been through cupboards, closets, files, bookcases, cabinets, shelves . . . I had three piles 1. Keep, 2. Throw away, and 3. Give away. Sweet and Simple.

It was difficult for me to cull through the books and decide what would stay and what would go. My books are like old friends to me in which it is hard to say good bye. Some I didn't get a chance to say good bye to, when I have gone to look for a book in particular and am not able to find it, I usually come to realize that it was loaned to some one and never returned. Sad, Sad. One such book is Pioneer Women. I did research for a report in Sociology class in college on that subject. I loved the book so much I had to buy it, but alas it is gone.

I regularly attend a Discipleship Group at church. We usually meet in the Fellowship Hall, but at times when it is otherwise occupied by a bigger group, we have to meet in the library. It is so hard for me to stay focused on our study when I am so distracted by the beautiful shelves full of books. Last Thursday in particular, we all were gathered in the library. A friend was sharing a story, I had a steady gaze and listened intently. When in my weakness, my eyes shifted to the shelves behind her. Then it happened, right there on the shelf was the beloved book I had longed for: Pioneer Women. I really did try to keep my composer so as not to draw attention to myself and away from the my friend's story. But my friend was caught off guard by observing my (over) reaction to seeing the book. She asked me what was the matter and I apologized and said nothing but urged her to continue what she was saying. She couldn't remember where she left off, she looked at me and said she had to know what it was that caused such a reaction. When I explained to her my surprise in seeing the book, I couldn't help my excitement. I explained a bit about the stories of the women on the Kansas Frontier and how those stories were wonderfully preserved in that beautiful book. Of course, I highly recommended it. I love windows into history, especially in the form of a good book.