Destination: Sanctification

My Photo
Location: Heart of Texas, United States

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

If I could be a flower . . .

This is the last day of February and I realized I did nothing on my blog for Happy Valentine's Day!

I have nothing brilliant to say - I just wanted to share this perfect pink poesy with anyone who might stop in. I have had it as my wallpaper this month. It is the essence of Valentine's Day to me.

I am beginning to think I am the only one who reads my blog, and I think,
"What is the point?"
I started this blog almost a year ago. This time last year I was recovering from a stay at the hospital due to kidney infection. It took awhile to get better and I had more couch time than I could wish for! I was entertained by visiting other friends' blogs and was inspired. What fun it has been, even if it is to just look back to fond memories and to see some of this life and remember the journey. The one constant in this life you can count on is change.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

My Kind of Funny

You Are the Swedish Chef
"Bork! Bork! Bork!"Your happy and energetic - with borderline manic tendencies.No one really gets you. And frankly, you don't even get you.But, you sure can whip up a great chocolate mousse"
Muppet Personality Test

Who's surprised?! What did you think I would be Miss Piggy? Maybe I am really somewhere in between Miss Piggy and the Swedish Chef!

I grew up watching the Muppet Show - Knowing that has helped my hubby to understand my unique sense of humor (rather dry and slap stick). Here is a great site for a rainy day blast from the past:, it is permanently bookmarked under favorites!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

How to Avoid Breakdowns

As I continue to embrace all things domestic, I have decided to start up sewing. My dear, sweet Aunt Susie was a Domestic Queen! She majored in Home Economics and was a leader by example in all things involving relationships and home. I was blessed to know her and in doing so she has left a lasting impression on my life. You see this sewing machine, it is Aunt Susie's sewing machine. Her husband graciously allowed her to buy it not long after their marriage and considered it a good investment. This machine is circa 1973. She sewed her maternity clothes, baby clothes, countless aprons for a fundraiser, and endless yards of curtains, and at the end of all things, for herself - sweet, little hats to hide her lack of hair from chemo treatments. Many years ago, I remember Aunt Susie teaching me to sew. On this very machine, I sewed my maternity clothes, baby clothes, odd little bread warming cloths, blankets, cowboy vests and even a few curtains.

My sweet Aunt Susie lost her battle with ovarian cancer late July 2003. She left a lasting legacy with me in many avenues of life which I cherish. Aunt Susie's sewing machine was lovingly handed down to me and I count it as a most treasured possession on this earth. I have only used it on a handful of occasions over the last couple years because it was in need of a "tune-up" and I did not want to cause damage. As a kind gift, my mother-in-law (Aunt Susie's sister) offered to have it cleaned.

I expressed to the people at the shop that this machine had a large amount of sentimental value. They took good care of it and reassured me that it was a good machine. It was great to hear some of the other sewing ladies ooooh and aaaah over this machine's age and admire the good fortune I had in inheriting it. So now my sweet machine is back in my arms complete with a new light bulb (been a few years - wait, I don't remember the light ever being on!), photocopied owners manual, and new all purpose sewing foot. I'm good to go. First thing I'll make is a cover to keep out nasty dust bunnies. Then curtains . . . Lovely curtains! Thank you Sweet Aunt Susie!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Think on these things

As I am busy about my work in the house, I have plenty of time to think. I have been accustomed to "stinkin' thinkin'" when it comes to house work. I have thought, "What a drag, it is so mundane, monotonous, unending, menial work."
I have recently come across the verse that says, so whether in eating or drinking or whatever you do, do to the glory of God. I guess my way of thinking is not glorifying to Him, and that really does make my efforts worthless. So now I am taking an Attitude of gratitude. Wait! Before you get to laughing too hard - it is biblical! It is glorifying to Him when I am thankful for His goodness in my life. I am thankful that I have the privilege to even be at home, that I have the health and strength to manage my home, and that I can do my work to His glory.